
sunday stills ~ numbers

Numbers found in our woods this past week:




more sunday stills ~ numbers


threecollie said...

Love your take on this. Very clever!

Linda said...

Good eye! Very creative.

Grey Horse Matters said...

Love how you see things! Very clever.

Far Side of Fifty said...

WEll done!

aurora said...

Thank you. I looked hard during my hikes throughout the week for unaltered numbers to reveal themselves. Turns out numbers are much harder to find in nature than letters, unless of course one is looking for letters!

Shirley said...

Love it! I was looking for rocks that looked like numbers (I have plenty that look like letters) but couldn't find any.

Val Ewing said...

Indeed clever! I just pointed out a cloud and took a picture of it...thinking of you. It was a huge Teddy Bear!

aurora said...

I love rocks! Never thought of looking for rock numbers (or letters).

Val, I look forward to seeing that Teddy Bear :)) Glad you got a pic of it, clouds morph quickly.

cdncowgirl said...

What a cool take on the subject - love it!

Ron Canoe said...

Great idea! Very imaginative and great way of looking at the world around you.