
know your boundaries

Last weekend our daughter (Harmony's girl) helped us move panels out to our land, and had some fun trying to fly inside the barn. Just kidding!! She had some good ideas and was giving dad more things to consider, and more to say no to. Between me & the kids, poor guy has been explaining why a lot of ideas won't work. I think Brad will be glad when the inside of the barn is finished! 

what about from here, to there...
After the barn deliberations, we progressed to discussing pasture & shelter placement. We agreed the best solution for our horses on our land would be north/south pastures.

We all went on a walk-a-bout to check out newly placed property markers, including our grand-dog Jameson (a labrador) who absolutely loves being out at the land! 

We recently had the surveyors mark more then just the corners of the wooded areas. It was close to impossible to figure out who's land you were on. It doesn't matter so much if just walking, but we plan on connecting the existing north-south trails. We also want to relocate some young tree's to other parts of our property. In order to do either, we have to know our boundaries.

the dry creek bed area
will be good for trail riding


Linda said...

Your barn is so gorgeous, I just can't believe it. Who has a barn like that?? The ceiling looks spectacular. How many acres do you have at your new place? It look big.

aurora said...

Thanks, you are very kind Linda. Hopefully the barn stands the test of time. It's really easy to keep clean right now, ha ha!! There is property all around us, makes our place look bigger. We only have 50.5 acres, but are very thankful for each & every one them!!

Grey Horse Matters said...

Your barn does look gorgeous! I can imagine all the suggestions and can also hear them being shot down ;) my husband gets that a lot too from me and my daughter. Why do they gave to be so practical? Some things might work,right! Love your land too everything is so beautiful.

Linda said...

That's a lot of land! We live on 14 and use our neighbor's 8. I'd like to make a riding path around the whole thing. 55 would be heavenly.

aurora said...

Arliene, I have no idea why those guys have to be so practical?!! I kinda liked Mrs. Shoes revolving tack wall idea, that got shot down before I even finished saying it! Takes too much space, and wouldn't seal well. Bet you'll related to the post I've got brewing...

Linda, it is a lot more land then we live on now (1.3 acres). If money & location didn't matter, we would live on a large piece of property with acreage (and mountains) in the hundreds to roam. We know how lucky we were to find this property in this area. Sharing with good neighbors is the best way to enjoy land! Hope you get your path!!