You read their books. They make you think about how you interact with your horses. You really like their message, and it doesn't take long to know they are a rare gem in an industry littered with fakes.
Once in a while, these gems travel to share their knowledge in person.
Kate from A Year With Horses posted about one of those rare gems coming close to my area, Mark Rashid. Thanks Kate! In fact, he is presenting at no less then three clinics in my area - and damn it, I am going to make it to at least one!!
I am hoping to audit. Koda has never been to anything remotely similar, and it would require my husband transporting us. I would be waaay too nervous to participate. I am sure Marks clinics are popular and filled at this point anyways. Auditing would be a good place to start.
Do you have any auditing tips to share?
Do tell about your auditing experiences, was it worth it?
I wonder if you can take pictures?
Of course if I brought my good camera, then I would be focused on getting good photos and not learning. It would defeat the purpose, but it sure would be fun!
I have sooo many questions, much that depend on the clinician/facility. The price, remaining open spots, times, photo policy etc.
Hit me up with your suggestions. I'll be hitting send on my email inquiries soon!
The ladies
16 hours ago
Auditing can be very valuable, or a complete waste of time.
I will never ride with a clinician without auditing first, to make sure that the treatment of people and horses meets my requirements, and that the clinician in fact has something to teach me - you can learn something - even if only not what to do - from watching almost any clinician - but some of them are focussed on specialty disciplines that I have little interest in or I already know that I disagree with their methods or approach.
I'm also not a big fan of big group clinics, where lots of people are riding at once - it's hard to see and follow what's going on.
Find out if you can how welcoming the clinician is - they have different rules for auditing such as whether auditors can ask questions, or whether photographs or videotaping are permitted.
Take notes, and go with people who won't distract you with needless chattering. And mostly, watch and listen (clinicians must wear headsets for auditing to be of any use). I find full-day auditing very tiring because I really have to pay attention.
Hope you get to see Mark!
If auditing is as good as you can do, it's better than not going. Take some notes because you'll be overwhelmed with the information you hear. My advice? Go. And ride. Just do it. The hell with being nervous, I am always nervous before a clinic...but the nerves quickly pass. You are way too busy to be nervous for very long. Seriously. If you go and audit, you are going to wish you had your horse and were participating. You will learn more in those 2 or 3 days of riding than you can learn in a few months with someone else. Just do it!!!!!
Good advice Kate! I've watched many clinicians at Horse Fair over the years, and a couple when my daughter was in 4-H, but never formally audited one. For some reason my expectations would be higher.
Lorie, If only I could just do it...and probably will wish I was riding Koda. It's likely much different then the clinics with local riders that I've seen at Fair, with much less pressure. Maybe after I audit one?
Definitely take notes! If photos are allowed, that helps; most clinicians don't allow videos though. I like what Kate said about not going with a chatty buddy- in fact, go alone if you can, it will be easier to focus on what is being taught. I'd jump at the chance to ride in one of Marks clinics without auditing first, just from reading what is said about him and from what he posts on Facebook.
very exciting, cant wait to read about your take on it .
I think you'll have a great time and learn lots of good stuff. If it were me I'd try to ride instead of auditing. I think riding would be more fun than watching and listening. Have fun.
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