
all over, randomly

WI is suppose to get some snow this weekend, at least I hope so! We headed north to ride earlier then usual, just incase the dumper of snow hit before expected. We were surprised to find the barn completely quiet, just the way - I - love - it!! My hubby raked the arena, again......and so, we got to ride on freshly raked sand!

He suggested two things for this ride, that turned out fantastic! One, try loping Koda off like I used to (before the 360 circle-off's) just because, and two, try putting cones in random order, instead of in a pattern - say what? 

I tried, but every single cone I randomly placed ended up in a pattern regardless of where I placed them - I am hopeless! So, I moved those darn cones and re-re-placed them until they were patternless, or at least as well as possible!! I also set up some trot poles...

Surprise surprise, with the freshly raked sand Koda loped off a corner on the first try - and yes, on the correct lead! Hmmmm? Truth be told, Koda offered the wrong left lead on a similar lope-off later in our ride (never ever has he given the wrong lead on his much preferred right side) but, we re-tried and got it - sans circle. I am getting sooo much closer to feeling his lead 100% either way on his tricky left side, and that my friends is a huge thing (in my world).

The specialness about freshly raked sand is the way you can SEE your horses footprints. I was giddy to see when Koda did TRUE side-passes, the writing was in the sand!!

As for those random cones, simply genius! Hubby said he read a recent article, counter to what you hear on the TV/Internet where you don't want to believe everything you hear/read, but instead try what makes sense - these suggestions made sense. 

With cones placed all over, multi-patterns were left up to horse and rider to create on the fly, and yes it was so much more interesting then cones in a row! Of course, we had a ton of fun playing follow the leader around and occasionally through (oops!) the random cones, towards the end of our ride - did you have any doubt?!!

As for our horses, they also had snow much fun inside & outside!!

Koda, Nemo, Cierra (L-R)


The Dancing Donkey said...

Sounds like a great ride. I can see how the random cones would help, neither of you could anticipate, forcing both to ride ahead. Sometimes, it's the little things that make a big difference.

Anonymous said...

Great ride! I'm glad you're sorting out the canter lead issue. I love riding on a freshly raked surface, too. I can see how straight (or not) my straight lines are and how circular (or oval!) my circles are!

Anonymous said...

The random cones thing is great - I use it a lot. You really have to focus, which means your attention is fully on your horse and where you are going - and a focussed rider equals a focussed horse!

Grey Horse Matters said...

I'm with you, I really like a freshly raked arena. Makes it so easy to see if things are going as you thought they were. The cones are a great idea.

C-ingspots said...

So glad you're enjoying your time with your horses! And I love that "playing in the snow" picture!! Beautiful. Merry Christmas my friend.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Sounds like a great ride! Merry Christmas!

aurora said...

Thanks all, I am sure we will be enjoying randomness (in more ways then one) more often!