I jynxed myself by saying outloud that Blogger works fine for me, now it doesn't. When I post comments on some blogs they show up, and others do not. I have commented on these blogs in the past, and now my comments disappear into cyberspace. In addition, I can't change my photo header! I've tried re-sizing, and some other things but I can live with the same header for now. Not being able to comment really stinks, the only thing worse is taking time to comment and watching ones thoughts go - poof!
I have not changed my pop-up blocker setting, blogger is cleared. I've checked my own blogger settings, and google settings, and searched for answers through Blogger help and Google search - but I am not finding a solution. I even broke down and downloaded Google Chrome, it made no difference. Really, how many search engines does one need? I now have three Google, Safari, and Chrome to keep updated... The only thing I have not tried is clearing my cache files. I want to dig up my notes on this before I go deleting files, even if they do get rebuilt. I doubt this will help regardless, as I've tried different computers and cache files aren't really related to this problem.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix comments that don't show up?
I think the blogs I can no longer comment on are those that have comment moderation set? Not sure, because I no longer see the notification message telling me to wait for my comment to be cleared before posting! I've posted just fine on those blogs before, and now I can't. Below is a sample of both types, as well as a shortened version of what I wanted you to know:
Examples of blogs where I have commented, and the comments don't show up:
I've been posting (well, trying to) get-well-wishes to Ramsey. I am so glad you're recent visit to Cornell turned out okay.
Amazed you've ridden 55 times in one month, that's more then I ride in one year. Thanks for the blanket recommendation, much appreciated.
I like Sepia, and agree it's best saved for certain soft photo's. You're Black & White animal shots, were great ~ love the pointy ears, better to hear with!
Examples of blogs where I have commented, and they do show up:
Is this happening to anyone else? At this point I wonder if the solution is to wait it out, and hope...
Snow Day
2 days ago
Thanks for the comment!
Try resetting your browsers, which will also clear cache - it may be that there's some setting in your browser that's interfering with the comment pop up working.
Try posting something on the Blogger help forum - sometimes that will draw a response.
Good idea! I'll try resetting my browser(s). The cache files I was thinking of are more related to fonts & files. Thanks Kate!
Wow, my browser cache files were at 1GB and getting close to capacity, unfortunately my comments still disappear - but hey, at least I did some computer-keeping! I'll try the blogger forum next. Any other ideas out there?
If you find out how to change your header picture, let us know here, I've tried to change mine a few times with no success. I thought it was because I was doing something silly, but you've given me hope, maybe it's not just me!!
The commenting thing is weird, I've had loads of friends also say that they can't comment. Maybe I will change to wordpress, but I'm waiting to see how it works out for the LSH first.
First, thank you for your comments and well wishes for Ramsey. They re greatly appreciated.
Second, it seems like every blog I know is having trouble with blogger. I know I have and I have repeatedly reported the many problems with no result. I wonder if we all got together and posted about our troubles at the same time, Google might take notice. I'd be happy if they just brought back the old platform. I don't mind change so long as I can still get the job done, but this new blogger just doesn't work right.
Third, I have had some luck finding blankets at Dover's. Their prices are generally through the roof, but they do have some good sales and if you can hit one of them, their stuff is good. That is where I found Emma's blanket last year. Good luck and happy shopping.
One other suggestion - check the settings on your browser - you may be blocking popups, which will prevent commenting on blogs (like mine) that use a popup window - you can change the setting to permit popups. Might not be the problem, but worth a try . . .
I had trouble till I switched to Chrome, the other thing I found when I was having trouble commenting is the comment format if it is part of the post it can be difficult but if the comment window is a pop up it seems better
Hot damn! I just re-tried Chrome and the comment moderation showed up on a comment I posted, not as a pop-up tho so we'll see - but hey, there is light at the end of the tunnel!
I have trouble posting photos.
Photos seem to be a problem. I posted about the header issue, will share if I get any response, not holding my breath...
One way to change your header photo is to use HTML- download it to Flickr or another photo hosting site, and then use the code to change your header- it's the only way I could chamge mine.
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