We had a slice of perfect weather, with no rain, for our last training ride at Iron Horse. The outdoor arena was still too wet to ride in, so we rode in the field again. I’m glad Brad & Nemo got a chance to experience it. It’s very different from outdoor arena riding in that there are no rails or obstacles to guide the horses. They really need to listen to their rider, and watch their footing. What a fun and free feeling, trotting and loping among the swaying grass and pretty scenery!
We changed it up and took a short trail ride on Patty’s property, and then headed out to the road. Along the way we did a little puddle work with the horses. Koda did good, of course the size was no comparison to what we faced last week – but I don’t care I’m walking through all the puddles I can. Patty wanted to see the geese that chased after some of her other horses earlier in the day. We never did see them, just the gawking llamas. I’m thinking it’s a good thing we didn’t have a run in with the geese, occasional cars were whizzing by at an arms length. Why the dipsticks don’t slow down and move over is beyond me. The only thing that gave the horses concern was the big black spooky mailbox wrapped in some strange white material straps. I’m not sure if the straps were holding it together, or decorating it, but all three horses would have rather not been walking right next to it. Of course they didn’t have a choice, but it did raise some ears. The only big scoot came from Nemo. They all did better the second time around. We headed back to the field to ride around some more – and as usual, several hours had flown by having fun. It was time to head in. I’m reeeally going to miss Iron Horse…it won't be our last training ride there forever, just for now.
In Bloom At The 4R’s
1 day ago
Your boys have come a long way in a short time, and so have you!
Could you schedule a once a month thing there?
Call it your graduation ride! You and your horses have done very well! Training is never over , but you are on to the next step Enjoy your lovley horses!
Thanks Jeni & Fern! Yes, we plan to get together in the future for occasional trailer in lessons or trail rides. It will be fun to see how things keep progressing with Koda & Nemo.
Excellent progress!
Isn't that the way? Mine don't bat an eye with tractors, chain saws, etc. A mailbox? OMG!
Seems like you just started!!!! Congrats to you and your horses! You just can never know what is going to spook em. Semi-trucks can blow by us and Mags never misses a beat. A culvert drain? OMG! Goblins must live in those pipes!
Hi Aurora, How are the boys settling back home. Sounds like they were very good students. Things have been really busy around here, trying to get hay in with little success. Well have a great day and happy trails.
Leah, wonder why mailboxes are so scary for horses - the stand alone shape?
Terri, I don't blame Mags. Culvert are odd, you never know what might be lurking in there.
Hi Deb, The boys are settling in really well - thanks for asking. See my rambling post. Bummer about the hay, are you in the rain, or the drought area?
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